How can transmission and distribution grids be used more efficiently without jeopardizing system security? Over a period of three years, 17 transmission and distribution grid operators, research institutions and control system manufacturers looked into this exact question as part of the InnoSys 2030 research project. They have recently presented their results and an implementation roadmap for Germany.
“InnoSys” stands for “Innovation in System Management” and explored which concepts grid and system operators can use to contribute to the energy transition. The project focused on developing concepts that allow grid operating equipment such as power lines and transformers to be used to greater capacity than ever before and to even be temporarily overloaded. Examples include grid boosters, which are decentralized battery storage systems capable of balancing out overloads in transmission grids in a matter of seconds. According to Dr. Peter Hoffmann, Head of Energy System Planning at TenneT TSO GmbH and Chair of the InnoSys network conference, concepts like this could reduce the redispatch volume by 15 to 30% by 2030.
With InnoSys 2030, the project participants have laid the foundations for the development of innovative preventative and curative system management processes, which speed up response times and can be used alongside grid expansion to control bottlenecks in the grid. The research project also took into account the fact that new concepts like this require close cooperation within the European wide area synchronous grid.
Now that the project has been concluded, it is time for its findings to be implemented in practice. Once the measures investigated have been piloted and tested, data will be collected on their potential to intervene curatively. Eventually, the aim is for the set of measures to become an integral, standard part of system management. In addition to being used at the voltage level in the transmission grid, these innovations can also be implemented together with distribution grid operators, for example to help make use of the flexibility offered by decentralized solutions. The concepts already take into account the integration of grid boosters and future requirements concerning the management of high-voltage, direct-current lines.
Preparing power grids for the challenges of the energy transition will be one of the key topics examined at the EM-Power Europe exhibition and the EM-Power Europe Conference.
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