Interoperable and Secure Energy Data Sharing in a Consumer-Dominated Market

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
ICM München
Room 13 A

The shift towards a consumer-centric market design is essential for a green and digital transition. The seamless interaction between consumers and the energy system requires robust data flows and communication among DERs, market players and the system. This session focuses on how forward-thinking businesses, system operators and policymakers work together to build a reliable, interoperable and cyber-secure energy data ecosystem. Join the debate on key requirements such as data access, consumer flexibility, interoperability, standardisation and cybersecurity for interoperable data flows as we move towards a resilient and renewable energy service economy that benefits both system operators and consumers.

02:00 pm - 02:10 pmWelcome and Introduction & The Benefits of Dataspace for Future Demand Side Flexibility Participation

Laurent Schmitt

Head of Utilities and European Developments & Use Case Coordinator

SmartEn, EDDIE

02:10 pm - 02:20 pmOverview of EG Data Interoperability's Plans and Priorities

Rick van Beek

Member of Expert Group Data & Interoperability

EU DSO Entity

02:20 pm - 02:30 pmData Interoperability to Scale Renewables in the Grids

Philipp Rechberger

Head of System Technology, Business Unit Solar Energy

Fronius International GmbH

02:30 pm - 02:40 pmBuilding the Digital Grid: Trends, Best Practices, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interoperable and Secure Power Grid Management

Dr. Dimitrios Tzelepis

CTO Co-Founder


02:40 pm - 02:50 pmSmart Energy: Working Together to Solve Interoperability

Jozsef Farkas

Managing Partner

P3 Group GmbH

Antonius Bronstering

Managing Director

Energy Hub Alliance GmbH

02:50 pm - 03:00 pmHow to Make Smart Meters Finally Smart - the SPiNE Approach

Dr. Thomas Müller

Co-Founder / Technology & CTO


03:00 pm - 03:30 pmPanel Discussion

Dr. Dimitrios Tzelepis, SMPnet

CTO Co-Founder

United Kingdom

Dimitrios Tzelepis, with degrees in BEng, MSc, and PhD, is a leading expert in power system control, protection, and automation. As co-founder and CTO of SMPnet, he is committed to digitalizing power grids and leads its technology strategy. His instrumental role in shaping intelligent, software-defined electrical grids has led to the creation of the Omega suite, a state-of-the-art, virtualization-ready grid management platform that provides adaptive optimization and real-time control of power grids. Dimitrios impacts the global energy sector through his involvement in technical committees. He has authored over 70 publications and driven advancements in power grids, including developing Grid Codes in various regions and pioneering projects, patents, and prototypes for the industry.

Rick van Beek, EU DSO Entity

Member of Expert Group Data & Interoperability


Ing. Rick van Beek is Energy Consultant for Dutch DSO's and member of the expert panel of EU DSO Entity - EG Data & Interoperability. He is involved in introducing the energy data exchange framework in the Netherlands and development of EU Implementing Regulations on energy data interoperability and processes. He has extensive experience in development and implementation of energy market processes, with an explicit focus on customer data control.

Laurent Schmitt, SmartEn, EDDIE

Head of Utilities and European Developments & Use Case Coordinator


Laurent Schmitt has joined dcbel early January 2022 as CEO of Dcbel Europe as well as head of Utility vertical while funding Digital4Grids. He has been working for the last 25 years through the Automation, IT and Digitisation of the Power Industry. Before joining Dcbel, he was the Secretary General of ENTSO-E for the past 4 years and Global Smart Grid Strategy Leader at General Electric Grid Solutions. Laurent worked in Europe, the United States and Asia, on all sectors of the electricity value chain from power generation controls, intro trading and market, Grid management as well as DER integration and Microgrid community. Laurent has contributed to several strategic committees in CIGRE, IEC, EPRI and is now the Chair of the Digital Committee of SmartEn (the European association for Demand Side Flexibility). He has several times been named among the most influential people of the European Smart Grid industry and is very active through is LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. Laurent is French national, strong believer in the need to accelerate the Energy System transformation towards Prosumers to reach netzero ambitions by 2050. He graduated in Power System Engineering from Supélec in Paris and holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD, France.

Philipp Rechberger, Fronius International GmbH

Head of System Technology, Business Unit Solar Energy



Dr. Thomas Müller, SPiNE GmbH

Co-Founder / Technology & CTO


Dr. Thomas Müller is co-founder and CTO of SPiNE GmbH. He is responsible for technical implementation of the SPiNE local and cloud software stack. He formerly served as Technology Lead and Product Manager in various companies in the energy sector, including coneva GmbH (a 100% subsidiary of SMA AG) and Vattenfall. He has deep technological expertise on all levels of energy flex, from steering local flexible assets like electric vehicles and heatpumps and storages, to forecasting and optimization, aggregation and pooling within virtual power plants, and finally energy market integration including FCR, Day-Ahead and Intraday markets.

Antonius Bronstering, Energy Hub Alliance GmbH

Managing Director


Antonius Bronstering is Managing Director of Energy Hub Alliance and Chief Energy Management Services Officer at HagerEnergy GmbH. He is responsible for the E3/DC Energy Management Services and for business development of the Energy Hub Alliance. He has many years of experience in energy management and PV storage business where he is responsible for strategic development and business development.

Jozsef Farkas, P3 Group GmbH

Managing Partner


Jozsef Farkas, Managing Partner at P3 group, is responsible for the software & energy domains at P3 group, a leading technology consultancy. With more than ten years of experience, he is an expert in smart charging infrastructure, standardization, and digitization within the energy sector. In his capacity, he spearheads the development and implementation of cutting-edge software solutions tailored to meet client needs, driving notable advancements in both the e-mobility and energy markets.

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