Powering Tomorrow: E-Mobility Integration and Its Impact on Grids

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

04:30 pm - 06:00 pm
ICM München
Room 13 A

Explore the integration and impact of e-mobility on power grids. Join us for a deep-dive into the seamless integration of electric mobility with power systems and discuss challenges, breakthroughs, and the crucial role of smart grids. Learn about effective strategies for large-scale e-mobility deployment, drawing insights from AVERE's advocacy of sustainable transportation. Examine the transformative effects of e-mobility adoption on grids and infrastructure, discuss resilience, capacity planning and adaptive measures. The focus will be on three key areas: e-mobility power system integration, e-mobility deployment strategies, and their impact on the grid and infrastructure.

04:30 pm - 04:35 pmWelcome & Introduction

Raphaël Héliot

Policy Officer

AVERE - The European Association for Electromobility

04:35 pm - 04:45 pmSystem Integration in Energy Transition

Prof. Dr. Christof Wittwer

Director Business Area 'System Integration"

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

04:45 pm - 05:00 pmHow to Realize a Smooth Integration of E-mobility Into the Grid

Begoña Cubian

Specialist New Initiatives: Sustainable Mobility


05:00 pm - 05:10 pmSmart EV Charging-Charging to Infinity

Manuel Navarro

Sales Manager

Siemens SA

Alexandre Neto

Sales Manager for Americas and Iberia of Microgrids and Renewables Integration

Siemens AG

05:10 pm - 05:25 pmEV Projects for System Operation Needs

Isabel Bohn

Advisor Flexibility

TransnetBW GmbH

05:25 pm - 05:35 pmCapturing Opportunities in Balancing Markets with EV Charging Hubs

Bruno Moedim

Segment Owner-Energy Solutions


05:35 pm - 06:00 pmPanel Discussion

Prof. Dr. Christof Wittwer, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Director Business Area 'System Integration"


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Wittwer is the Director of the Business Area "System Integration" at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg, where he leads program management initiatives. He also holds an honorary professorship at the Faculty of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg. With expertise in System Integration for Renewable Energy Systems, Smart Grids, and Distributed Energy Systems, his research is pivotal in advancing initiatives such as the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence for Integrated Energy Systems (CINES).

Raphaël Héliot, AVERE - The European Association for Electromobility

Policy Officer


Raphaël Héliot is Policy Manager at AVERE - the European Association for Electromobility. Within his work, he advocates for the promotion of legislative and non-legislative European initiatives which aim at supporting the deployment of e-mobility. He is also involved in several expert groups/ forums of the European Commission (EAFO, Sustainable Transport Forum, etc) where he leads the work on charging infrastructure's deployment, EV's roll out and more sectoral issues including fire safety, skills, grid and urban mobility. Prior to that, Raphaël Héliot has worked in consultancies on transport related topics.

Manuel Navarro, Siemens SA

Sales Manager


Manuel Navarro, an engineer at Siemens, specializes in bringing together renewable energy and smart grid solutions for EV charging . He spearheaded a project implementing on-premise smart power distribution and management for 200 EV chargers, optimizing energy consumption. His expertise integrates renewable generation and storage, enabling efficient charging schedules based on vehicle utilization patterns and grid constraints. With a focus on E-Mobility Power System Integration, he brings valuable experience to EM-Power Europe, aligning with his commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions.

Begoña Cubian, Iberdrola

Specialist New Initiatives: Sustainable Mobility


Begoña Cubián (Iberdrola) studied Industrial Engineering (6 years degree) with a specialization in Energy at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain). She completed a specialization course in Fluid Mechanics at the École Central de Lille (France) as well as a master's degree in Energy Business at the Spanish Energy Club. After starting her career in 1998 in the automotive world (Renault, Ford), in 2000 she began working at Iberdrola. For 17 years she worked in Iberdrola's Nuclear Engineering Direction. In 2017 she became part of the Innovation and Sustainability Direction of Iberdrola S.A., in the Chairman Office, joining the team of New Initiatives - Sustainable Mobility. Her functions include: - Boosting innovative projects linked to sustainable mobility, - Carrying out prospective studies of the different mobility modes and technologies, with a focus on their impact on an electricity company and - Coordination of Iberdrola's global Sustainable Mobility Group, which integrates all internal organizations impacted by sustainable mobility development.

Isabel Bohn, TransnetBW GmbH

Advisor Flexibility


Isabel Bohn is Advisor for Flexibility at the German TSO TransnetBW GmbH. She has spent the last year working on the Network Code Demand Response Draft as well as several projects to promote the integration of EV into the electricity grid, especially regarding flexibility provision from bidirectionally chargeable EV.

Bruno Moedim, Kempower

Segment Owner-Energy Solutions

The Netherlands

Bruno Moedim is a Segment Owner at Kempower. He is responsible for energy solutions in charging hubs where he helps with the strategic direction of the energy management offering, particularly focusing on maximizing the usage of electric mobility assets to clients.

Alexandre Neto, Siemens AG

Sales Manager for Americas and Iberia of Microgrids and Renewables Integration


Alexandre Neto is Sales Manager for Americas and Iberia for the Microgrids and Renewable Integration portfolio at Siemens. He has deep international experience in innovation in the energy industry and has been working on energy management for more than 15 years. Since his engineering studies at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, he has developed a strong passion for renewable energy generation. Throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to devising innovative solutions that enhance the flexibility of electric systems, allowing them to seamlessly integrate more renewable energy sources in a reliable manner.

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